Thursday, November 01, 2007
talking and crazy!
Friday, October 12, 2007
TV addict
Wes and I took off for 24 hours Saturday/Sunday and left Robert with Wes' parents and a friend of mine (Heather). Wes' dad Saturday afternoon, Heather that evening and overnight and Wes' parents again Sunday. Wes' mom had found a tractor DVD at the library which he watched Sat while with Roger. The first thing he did Sunday when he got there was pick up the case, point to the TV and say "watch, on". Wes' dad was thrilled. He's really starting to communicate which is nice. He can point out what he wants to do/eat and really is starting to have definite ideas of what he does and does not want to do. Which admittedly comes with melt downs over not getting to do what he wants to do. But life's like that! He's had a runny nose the last couple days and his second molar has popped through and his bottom 2 are still really swollen too. Poor guy.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Speaking of chasing us down with books its becoming almost funny, or it would if it weren't never ending. The minute an adult walks in the room he runs and grabs a book and comes flying towards you. This morning I came out of the 1/2 bath to find Robert standing outside of the main bath waiting for Wesley to come out and patiently holding a book! He had already brought me one while I was still in bed and I had to call Wesley to get my glasses so I could figure out the pictures! Definitely a bookworm. Wesley gets greeted with one when he gets home (Robert starts saying Dada about 5 pm so till he gets home at 5:45 or so he's ready for him!). Tuesday night we were at Wes' grandma and he grabbed a book (the first was a plant guide and the second a bird guide) and told he to "read" and backed into her chair for her to pick him up and read!
It's been good to finally feel that I have enough energy to deal with him again and now that I'm not working as much enough time to do something besides work and sleep and keep the house from imploding! Yesterday I was able to go to a mom's meeting-a group of Christian mothers who meet twice a month. It was wonderful. The kids are cared for in the nursery (they break them down into ages), there's food and worship, and yesterday there was a great speaker. Apparently they alternate between craft type stuff and speakers. Plus just a lot of get to know you time etc. I felt so refreshed and validated as a mom. It was so nice!
Well, I'm going to lie down since Robert is!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Peggy has quite a few stuffed pugs on her desk and Robert loves to go play with them. So I had to get it for them! Robert loved it; held it, talked to it, played with it's tail. It was SO cute! I was hoping to add a picture of Robert this weekend but something isn't working well with Wes' computer so I can't! :(
Thursday, June 21, 2007
On Monday I got a call at work that he was throwing up. I wasn't lead teacher that day (each day there is 1 lead and 2-3 auxillary teachers for each group-usually 2-3 groups going at a time-the auxillary teachers answer questions and make sure people are where they need to be) and wasn't slated to teach anything til after lunch. So I picked him up and took him to sick day care on peds. Monday evening he felt pretty bad, somewhat better Tuesday (no fever or vomiting) and yesterday he was well enough to go back to Erica's. Today he looks good.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
A whole month, huh :)
And naturally his other obsession is eating (got to replace all those calories you burn climbing!). His current favorite is drinking yogurt out of his straw cup. He loves it! He's also enjoying eating garlic bread and toast (he licks the jelly off and then eats the toast), mini muffins, various cracker type stuff. He loves to crunch stuff between his teeth. And of course ice cream.
I'm starting to see some toddler defiance which is hard. We carried him out of lowes crying last night-he wanted to stay and play with the lawn mower tracters some more. He loves lawn mower tracters (don't worry we don't let him ride them-just sit on Nanny's when he visits her etc)! But then he was as good as gold through a 45 minute wait to go out to eat (luckily we were near a place that has a small park area-fountain, some plants/ginko trees, short stairs and we were able to let him run around there) and was perfect for supper-which started at 8 and ended shortly after 9-his bedtime. I changed him for bed in the car and he fell asleep on the way home-and is still asleep!
My job is still going well, we start "super user" training this week (nurse directors and certain computer savy people from each unit who will help other users) and then main training the week after. ACK
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Fun times!
I forgot to say that my first week of my new job went well and I'm excited about what I'm doing! We've spent a lot of time this week and weekend working on the camper since we're headed out Thursday for Martinsville and the Argus Collector's Group gathering. (Don't ask!). I'm ready for a break!
Here are some pics from Sat evening.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007
outside boy!
I start Tuesday with my new job in computer testing and I'm excited. It will be a nice change for a few months (ends mid September!) and I'll be happy to have my evenings free. Although I will still work evenings on my weekend and may teach/support some in the evenings in a month or so. The head of the project told me we have 1,900 people to train in a month. YIKES!
Robert checking out his new room organizer as it's being built

Robert playing with his helicopter!
his new room organizer!
what it looked like before!
Friday, April 27, 2007
life goes on
we live
we love
we forgive and never give up
cuz the days we are given are gifts from above
and today we remember to live and to love
here's the link to the rest of the song if anyone is interested
What a reminder to savor every day. I find myself playing more, reading more, hugging more. Life is so precious and I am so blessed....
On a more personal note, I am changing job courses slightly for the next couple months to do some testing and training on the new nursing computer system. It will be 3 days a week (office hours) and then I'll continue to do my every other weekend evening shift (which will bring me to 4 days a week). I'm excited about the oportunity. I was asked on Tuesday and start at the end of next week! Talk about sudden. The poor assistant director who is having to fill my schedule... 3-11 is not a popular shift to work!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Learning and Growing
It's amazing but SO tiring at the same time! He cries in frustration a thousand times a day, did not want to take a nap (and I worked from 11p-3a so I really wanted a nap :) wants to do it all himself but then gets frustrated/falls/bangs his head. Sigh. Well, here's a couple videos for ya'll!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Growing Up!
He got him MMR today, I had it seperated from the rest of his shots, he seems a little fussy today but OK.
Well, that's all the news here!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
fun days
So, after I droped him off I went actually to the recognition luncheon at RMH for people receiving their 5-10-15-20-25-30-35 etc year pins/awards etc. The longer you work the better the stuff gets. I got a lapel pin and a framed certificate. It was a nice lunch etc but what touched me and made me so glad to work in a small community hospital such as RMH was the remarks made by several board members who were there. One talked about organizational assets and liabilities and how employees are usually liabilities (since you have to pay them) but how at RMH they see employees as great assets to the hospital and the community we serve. It was really cool and then the chairwoman said grace in a way that made me know that she really knew God and served Him and it made me happy to work in a place where grace is still said and God is still acknowledged in things like this. Every now and then I wonder what it would be like to work in a hospital where I would just take care of kids-no adult overflow etc and I think it would be cool but then I realize all that we have by working in a small comunity hospital-and that's even cooler. These first 5 years have been cool and I think that the next 5 years will be even cooler. I look forward to doing more and being more here. Tomorrow is the clinical ladder reception and that will be neat too. I'm one of 4 people on peds who have become Clin 1's and I'm excited and now trying to figure out what it will take to be a Clin 2!
Tomorrow also, Snoopy and I both get our teeth worked on. Snoopy went a couple weeks ago for her annual checkup and the vet found a tooth that had died so she's going in for a cleaning and tooth removal under general anesthesia. I went a couple months ago to the dentist and found out I had a couple cavities and they origionally scheduled me for July 31st! but they've been hurting so I called and they had a cancellation on Thursday so I'm going then. They're also going to re-seal my molars. I can't believe that the vet can schedule major surgery on my dog faster than my dentist can schedule minor surgery on me! So Erica is watching Robert and Roger will pick up Snoopy and I'm not sure if anyone is coming to Bible Study but if they are it will be spagetti!
Well, long post and no new stories about Robert. He had his 3rd haircut today and is napping now. I need to get him up and through the bath before I take him to Erica's and we need to leave at 12... so I guess I'd better get to it!
Friday, March 30, 2007
feeling better
Thursday, March 29, 2007
crazy and sick!
I was originally going to blog on how crazy Robert was last night. We had been playing on the floor while Wesley was playing with his new toy (the slide scanner with the auto slide feeder-cool stuff!), then I was sitting on the sofa and pulled Robert up there to play. He figured out how to climb onto the arm and hold onto the wood and slide feet first into the office area (bypassing the gate). He thinks he's cool stuff! We had a good time together. He had taken an morning nap yesterday which I thought was a little unusual, but he was wide open all day. Last evening I thought he felt warm but he was acting normal so I didn't think much about it. Well, he cried on and off through the night (he does sometimes when he's teething) and at 4:30 was really restless and HOT. Sure enough he had a fever so I gave him motrin, changed his PJ's for a cooler pair and rocked him to sleep. About 30 min later he was awake and so I brought him to bed with me since he seemed to want to cuddle-very unusual for him. He was up for a couple hours today and ate some. His temp was 102 and he went back to sleep after being up for about an hour or so. Poor guy. He's been extra cuddly though and we watched the girl in the cafe-wow. I've been trying to watch it for weeks now-but haven't had much luck with the DVD player, but today it cooperated and I'm blown away. Great reccomendation Aunt Martelle! Well, that's about all here, I'm going to try to get Feb and March pics up on the website now!
Friday, March 23, 2007
Going away!
1) If you're in the bathroom with the door shut he'll get down on the floor and lay his head down and peep at you
2) If you have something he wants he goes "mmm, mmm, mmm like Snoopy does, sounds like puppy whining. Cas in point, I was rocking him to sleep and Wesley walked in the living room with a peices of his (Wesley's) b-day cake. Robert took one look at the cake, slid off my lap (he's learned to flip himself and go down feet first!) bee lined to Wesley and started doing the puppy noises and reaching for the plate.
3) He can climb stairs (crawling that is_
4) learning to climb stuff. Today I cought him actually trying to climb into the refrigerator! This is after he spent a few minutes turning the light on and off in the fridge!
5) Pulling stuff off: in the backpack, from the floor it doesn't matter. He can reach further than he should be able to considering his height and length of his arms. Must be octopus arms. He can get stuff off the table that is suitably in and stuff off shelves at the grocery store if he's in the backpack. Today he's been clingly and wanting to be held and I've been trying to pack etc so I put him in the backpack. He grabbed the little stuffed monkey I was going to pack for him and held onto it for about an hour while he was in the backpack. It was cute.
Well, he's awake now so I'd beter get! We'll be back Sunday! And I PROMISE I'll do pictures for Feb and add some for the blog and everything. Oh and the new babysitter is working out great.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
new babysitter
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to!
And I used to do this up in the middle of the night thing all the time? I am so out of practice!
A dose of motrin seems to have made everything all better. I guess it's time for breakfast and then storytime and lunch with daddy and a NAP (for both of us!)
Friday, February 16, 2007
crazy goomer!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
we're walking, we're walking
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Robert's life
I was thinking this morning as I shoveled pureed pears into Robert (buy the no sugar added pears, drain and puree in the mini chopper) how so much of this year has been about "mostly". I went into motherhood figuring that would be the way it would go but with more idealistic thoughts that I would make all my baby food, use only cloth diapers, make stuff from scratch etc. Well, I have used mostly cloth diapers (about 1700 of them to date-of course I don't have that many, that's just the laundry tally!), made most of my baby food (if you count pureeing canned pears!) but still use 4-7 jars a week (for supper) as well as a yogurt a night (I think he would die if he didn't get his yogurt!), completely breastmilk (yeah!) and well as of the stuff from scratch, he eats a lot of leftovers for lunch (thankfully he still likes the baked ziti from last week, I'm sick of it!) and a frozen waffle (not homemade!) every morning. So I guess it's all evened out. I did work last night and got home safely despite the snow (although I couldn't make it all the way up the driveway!).
Wes finished the slideshow for Robert's 1st year and I got to see it yesterday morning and I almost bawled. Wow, he's really grown! Ya'll will be able to see if at his 1st birthday!
Here's a pic of the goomer

Sunday, February 04, 2007
Robert's life
Today was Robert's first full day in the church nursery without me! He did great (and so did I). And then he had lunch with the young adults while we had a congregational board meeting (the young adults who aren't members agreed to watch the kids and they had special kid food for them). He's been a litle fussy these past few days and finally got tooth #2 (the other bottom one) yesterday and is now working on the top 2. Poor guy. He's also walking more and more, still only a few steps here and there but walking. I was telling Wesley that it's taken me almost a full year to get my life back to manageable. I feel like I can keep up with stuff (housework, cooking, church stuff etc) as well now as before (of course working part time helps too!). I can't immagine life with 2! I was going to leave a picture but Wes still hasn't downloaded pics off the camera so maybe next time!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Robert's life
Wow, my boy's getting so big. He's up to 31 inches tall which is plenty tall to get into the sippy cup drawer (the only one except for the top silverware drawer we didn't lock. He's babbling more now, saying something that sounds like "thank you" (tank too), "pee bo" (peek a boo), and once we heard diaper (immitating what we said back). Of course the talking is non stop one day and non existant the next. He's still on the cusp of walking. He stands well and can take a step but prefers not to! Little goomer! He's still on antibiotics for an ear infection (took him to the doctor last wednesday), he takes medicine really well! That's all for now!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Robert's life
Well, we're both feeling a little better today so I guess I should blog! I ended up calling in twice last week and finally went to the doctor and got antibiotics for a sinus infection. Robert's still congested but he's teething-his first tooth poked through the 19th (still not visable really but you can feel it through!) and took his first step yesterday at Clif and Hollie's new house (to mommy!). I was so excited. Of course he hasn't done it since but he is standing unassisted more, although he can't get to a standing position on his own yet (has to pull up on something). He loves pushing his 2 wagons and does it non stop (if he can find a willing parent to get him unstuck when he hits something-Wes and I have started alternating when we're both home-we each do 3 laps and then it's the other person's turn.
I'm having 1st b-day denial, I can't believe my baby's turning 1! He was just a newborn, wasn't he? Now he's heck on wheels and turning the TV on and off and getting into everything...
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Robert's life
Today I got my first enthusiastic ovation for my cooking. Robert applauded me throughout the whole meal. And it was Kraft mac and cheese! Wes went to Nanny's for Tuesday night supper but since we're still sick I decided we should stay home. So we did and I made my favorite (and Wesley's NOT favorite) mac and cheese. Well evidently Robert sides with me on this one, he'd eat a handfull, aplaud, eat another one, clap again... It was way cute. And very appreciated.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Robert's life
Work's really been picking up so I've worked a bunch this week, hense no postings :(. Wednesday was my first meeting day without Robert and it was bittersweet! I was so happy to be able to spend Thursday home with him and we had a great day. Friday I worked ASC (ambulatory surgery: 6am-2pm) and was able to leave around 1 pm and ran a couple errands and went to the gym while he was at Megans. Then we took him for his first haircut and Charlie's. Robert is the 4th generation of Furr males to go to him (Wes' grandpa used to, he, his dad, and his brother all still go there) and he did Wesley's first haircut too. He did great for it! And he looks so grown up now! Saturday we spent moving Clif and Hollie into their new house and Robert started with the sniffles which culminated into coughing and throwing up (all the milk he had just drunk) in our bed this morning (yuck!). He evidently is sick enough for that but well enough to scatter all of our plastic containers around the house. I don't feel very good either so the 2 of us skipped church. Thankfully now he's napping and I'm trying to get some pictures up on the web and on a CD to print! Still no teeth but very swollen gums. However he seems to think he needs to brush his teeth so maybe they're comming? Maybe by the time he's 2 :) Haircut pictures are up on the website

Thursday, January 04, 2007
Robert's life
Wow! Robert slept from 9pm-9:45 am-thank heavens! But then he only napped 45 minutes all day so I am TIRED! He's a busy boy! I ended up working until 3 am and didn't get to bed until 4 am so it was heaven to be able to sleep in! Yesterday was also quite a milestone day-it was the last (regular) day that I took Robert to meetings. I talked with his babysitter and she's going to keep him while I'm in meetings. I think I'm finally ready to let go-and neither of us is enjoying him being in meetings! I think he'll be a lot happier at the baby sitter's. I'm amazed that I've been able to take him this long though-he's almost 10 1/2 months, so he's been to a lot of meetings! Poor guy. We'll, just wanted to write a quick update. I only got not quite 6 hours of sleep last night/this morning so I think I'll hit the hay. Robert's accomplishments for the day include splashing in the dog's water bowl (had to completely change his clothes!), flushing the toilet and figuring out how to click a click pen. Yikes! Good night!
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Robert's life
Someone switched our baby for an energizer bunny... how do we get the baby back? It's been a crazy few days in Lake Wobegon. Robert is systematically destroying our house (and Wes' parents, and his grandmothers). Today he unplugged a lamp, got into a cupboard we had latched, ran amuck through the hospital, took toys away from kids at story time, chased a ball, tried to figure out the ball poppers (work better if you can walk), crawled to the person reading at story time... Last night he crawled to Wesley's set up tripod and stood with it for the longest while. It was so cute. He's also really developing a sense of humor. He points to all sorts of things and laughs. He has the dearest chortle/giggle! OK, here's a picture.