We've been trying to do Christmas things each day and talk about the Christmas story. We just started the "what God wants for Christmas" set that Wes' aunt and uncle got us for Robert's first Christmas where you open a box each time you do it (there are 7) and each time its another figurine for the Christmas story.
Speaking of the creche we have the "new" Zairian creche up this year (the one we bought at the Sunnyside sale last year!) since it doesn't tip over as easily-and it is surrounded by every barn animal I can get Robert to part with. Every now and then he asks for a few more so we swap some out. lol. Not that he really ever played with the animals BEFORE I put them up!
And the other indication that we have small children is that our maticulously decorated (sic) gingerbread house is missing a large number of candies due to a little almost 4 year old who can push the chair over and snack. hmm.
And finally for the cost of shipping we have 2 adorable kids fully packaged and ready to mail to anyone who needs some chaos. Cookies included!
pictures are too cute!!
They look absolutely precious. I'm glad to see my kids are not the only ones who pick at the gingerbread house .
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