OK a day late but wanted to get it in....
-A week that is almost done! At the end of today I'll have worked 38 hours and I'm TIRED!
-A good babysitter that lets me feel at ease about #1
-An awesome DH who has done drop off and pick up both yesterday and will do it again today-thanks hun!
-My kids who are so super excited when they see me. It's so cute and nice. Except when the fight over me.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
10 on Tuesday
10 things you like to do on Vacation
1) sleep
2) read
3) spend time with people
4) watch TV
5) play games
6) walk/enjoy nature
7) go out to eat
8) shop
9) swim
10) lay out on the beach
10 things you like to do on Vacation
1) sleep
2) read
3) spend time with people
4) watch TV
5) play games
6) walk/enjoy nature
7) go out to eat
8) shop
9) swim
10) lay out on the beach
Monday, March 23, 2009
These kids are really something! I think they decided to grow up all at once. Mary is really interactive all of a sudden-talking and playing games and understanding what you are saying. Her newest word(s)? Tank-do! So cute. She plays the thank-you game; she hands you something and you say thank you and then hand it back to her and she says tank-do and then she hands it back..... she can play it forever! At supper she wanted to play touch the finger with daddy (she points her finger and you touch yours to hers but daddy wouldn't let her 'cause she was SLIMY. So after I cleaned her up I told her she could play her game with daddy and she immediately turned to him and pointed her finger. She also has learned to "meep" his nose. lol. She thinks it's hilarious. Robert is generally getting sweeter and more responsible-feeding snoopy, giving her bones (all with help), putting stuff on the table (plates, condiments etc), going to play on the playset and staying there if I need to bring in groceries. Today I sent him there, took in the groceries, put the perishables in and then Mary and I sat outside while she nursed. It was great just to have a few minutes to unwind outside after a very long day of teaching followed by a quick trip to walmart. Well, got to finish laundry!
Menu Plan Monday!
mon-swiss chicken in the crockpot
tues-Nanny Night! whoot!
wed-meatloaf, mashed potatoes
thurs-pot roast with veggies
fri-Wes and the kids out (I'll be at work)
sat L-sandwiches'
sat D-grilled chx
sun L-easy dinner surprise
sun D-grilled hotdogs/hamburgers with deviled eggs if I get to them!
tues-Nanny Night! whoot!
wed-meatloaf, mashed potatoes
thurs-pot roast with veggies
fri-Wes and the kids out (I'll be at work)
sat L-sandwiches'
sat D-grilled chx
sun L-easy dinner surprise
sun D-grilled hotdogs/hamburgers with deviled eggs if I get to them!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I meant to post yesterday about Mary on her birthday but she was so fussy and went to bed late that I didn't do it. I just collapsed into a stupor!
Obviously Mary has changed a TON in the last year. She is generally so happy (and whew that tooth finally came through today and she's back to being mostly happy!), curious, and funny. She loves dogs-Snoopy and the pugs are her favorite "people". She love to "lecture" with her pointer finger wagging-if you correct her or someone she'll wag her finger too and go "nonono or eh". She adores her big brother and is always watching what he is doing-and they are both getting jelous of when I am working with the other (little stinkers!) She got really mad this evening when Robert was standing on a chair in the kitchen helping me make pancake batter and she wasn't-she kept trying to climb the chair or pull Robert down.
She learned this week to fake sneeze (a family trate/joke) and it's really funny a-a-a-a-boo! She's a snuggler, a flirt, my precious baby girl. My current name for her is "sweetness"-it really seems to fit. I am so thankful for my kids. Happy (belated) birthday sweet girlie. May you grow up to be all that God has for you.
Obviously Mary has changed a TON in the last year. She is generally so happy (and whew that tooth finally came through today and she's back to being mostly happy!), curious, and funny. She loves dogs-Snoopy and the pugs are her favorite "people". She love to "lecture" with her pointer finger wagging-if you correct her or someone she'll wag her finger too and go "nonono or eh". She adores her big brother and is always watching what he is doing-and they are both getting jelous of when I am working with the other (little stinkers!) She got really mad this evening when Robert was standing on a chair in the kitchen helping me make pancake batter and she wasn't-she kept trying to climb the chair or pull Robert down.
She learned this week to fake sneeze (a family trate/joke) and it's really funny a-a-a-a-boo! She's a snuggler, a flirt, my precious baby girl. My current name for her is "sweetness"-it really seems to fit. I am so thankful for my kids. Happy (belated) birthday sweet girlie. May you grow up to be all that God has for you.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
10 on Tuesday
10 songs I hate
hmmm-I really bad about noticing songs that I don't like...
1) Achy breaky heart
2) Rock of ages (like the words-hate the music and thus singing it)
3) The letters from war song
4) I....................willlllllllll allllllllllways loveeeeeeeeeeee yooooooooooooooooou
5) Lets talk about sex baby, lets talk about you and me.
6) I love you, you love me (barney)
7) Christmas shoes
hmm.. I'll have to think on this today....
hmmm-I really bad about noticing songs that I don't like...
1) Achy breaky heart
2) Rock of ages (like the words-hate the music and thus singing it)
3) The letters from war song
4) I....................willlllllllll allllllllllways loveeeeeeeeeeee yooooooooooooooooou
5) Lets talk about sex baby, lets talk about you and me.
6) I love you, you love me (barney)
7) Christmas shoes
hmm.. I'll have to think on this today....
Monday, March 16, 2009
New Job Day #1!
Today was my first day in the new job-I'm orienting a day a week for the next several weeks while still doing my usual Tues/Wed/Thurs with meditech. Luckily I was put on call for Peds for 3-11 yesterday :) and thus getting up at 5:45 wasn't too bad. Yesterday I got all the laundry done, folded and put away and the house picked up and cupcakes and mini cakes made for the kids party this weekend.
Today was a LONG day 7A-7P but I learned a lot, met a lot of people and realized that I still have a LOT to learn. No codes or deaths today thank heavens. Which I gather is fairly unusual.
Today was a LONG day 7A-7P but I learned a lot, met a lot of people and realized that I still have a LOT to learn. No codes or deaths today thank heavens. Which I gather is fairly unusual.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Thankful Thursdays!
I am thankful...
-For an impromptu day off yesterday even if it also came with a dentist appointment (why did the hygienist go back to hand scaling? ouch!)
-For a clean house (see #1!)
-For a great babysitter
-For crazy and fun kidlets
-First day in my new job on Monday!!!
-For an impromptu day off yesterday even if it also came with a dentist appointment (why did the hygienist go back to hand scaling? ouch!)
-For a clean house (see #1!)
-For a great babysitter
-For crazy and fun kidlets
-First day in my new job on Monday!!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
10 on Tuesday
10 things I won't miss about winter! (now this is EASY!)
1. Putting the kids' coats on
2. Rolling up long sleeves on the kids before letting them eat
3. My long sleeves falling down while giving the kids a bath
4. Robert going to the door and telling himself "no Robert you can't go outside it's Coooooooooold outside, very cold and windy" (ROTFL! I guess he's heard that a few times!)
5. My hair freezing when I leave the house (yes I know I could blowdry it-but who has the time?)
6. Not being able to take the kids out to play
7. Extra TV time
8. Trying to put the kids in their carseats with coats on
9. Cold and dark when you wake up
10. That cold sting on your face as your walking from one building to another... ugh
1. Putting the kids' coats on
2. Rolling up long sleeves on the kids before letting them eat
3. My long sleeves falling down while giving the kids a bath
4. Robert going to the door and telling himself "no Robert you can't go outside it's Coooooooooold outside, very cold and windy" (ROTFL! I guess he's heard that a few times!)
5. My hair freezing when I leave the house (yes I know I could blowdry it-but who has the time?)
6. Not being able to take the kids out to play
7. Extra TV time
8. Trying to put the kids in their carseats with coats on
9. Cold and dark when you wake up
10. That cold sting on your face as your walking from one building to another... ugh
Monday, March 09, 2009
Monday Menu Plan
Dinner-hotdogs on grill
Sun-Lunch-pork BBQ sandwiches
Dinner-Hamburgers on the grill (it was supposed to be pancakes but wasn't pancake weather!)
Monday-out (it's Wesley's b-day and we got a babysitter! whoot!)
Wed-Tandoori chicken with safron rice-I even bought garam masalla for it-I hope it's good!
Thursday-chicken pot pies
Friday-home made pizza
Sat L-leftovers? We'll be coming back from the maple sugar festival
Dinner-hotdogs on grill
Sun-Lunch-pork BBQ sandwiches
Dinner-Hamburgers on the grill (it was supposed to be pancakes but wasn't pancake weather!)
Monday-out (it's Wesley's b-day and we got a babysitter! whoot!)
Wed-Tandoori chicken with safron rice-I even bought garam masalla for it-I hope it's good!
Thursday-chicken pot pies
Friday-home made pizza
Sat L-leftovers? We'll be coming back from the maple sugar festival
Sunday, March 08, 2009
I've got sunshine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know, although kids really put a cramp in your style sometimes (no more sleeping in, childcare arrangements, poopy diapers) I never REALLY lived outside in any decent weather until I had kids-well toddlers to be exact-Robert didn't really care his first year :) Now if it's over 40 we're out! We had a glorious weekend outside! Both kids are sick with snotty noses/cough/diarrhea so we (the kids and I) didn't go to church today.
So instead we played outside. And this afternoon I found the camp saw and cleared out the stupid overgrown peach tree area and pruned the old tree a ton. It looks a LOT better. Now we just need to till the ground around it and get rid of the old debris and see if we can get grass and stuff to grow. I left 2 smaller trees standing in addition to the big one-but cut down 10ish tiny trees and a huge vine. So maybe this year the peaches will be a little bigger-and easier to get to!
I also made a loaf of bread and cut Robert's hair so I'm feeling nice and frugal! Oh and my lettuce is starting to sprout! Robert and I (boy was that a mistake to plant lettuce seeds with a 3 year old-I've never planted lettuce before and had NO idea that the seeds are miniscule at best) planted 18 peat pots of lettuce on Friday and you can see them starting to germinate! I'm so excited about SPRING! I think I have a touch of SAD (seasonal affective disorder)-it's not bad but I can definitely tell a difference with spring. Part of it is probably that the kids are SO much nicer when they are totally worn out from being outside. :) They both took nice naps and collapsed in front of the TV when we came in about 5 this evening and went to bed without issue. It was nice of God to give us a "wear out" day during time change! No issue about going to bed an hour early!
So instead we played outside. And this afternoon I found the camp saw and cleared out the stupid overgrown peach tree area and pruned the old tree a ton. It looks a LOT better. Now we just need to till the ground around it and get rid of the old debris and see if we can get grass and stuff to grow. I left 2 smaller trees standing in addition to the big one-but cut down 10ish tiny trees and a huge vine. So maybe this year the peaches will be a little bigger-and easier to get to!
I also made a loaf of bread and cut Robert's hair so I'm feeling nice and frugal! Oh and my lettuce is starting to sprout! Robert and I (boy was that a mistake to plant lettuce seeds with a 3 year old-I've never planted lettuce before and had NO idea that the seeds are miniscule at best) planted 18 peat pots of lettuce on Friday and you can see them starting to germinate! I'm so excited about SPRING! I think I have a touch of SAD (seasonal affective disorder)-it's not bad but I can definitely tell a difference with spring. Part of it is probably that the kids are SO much nicer when they are totally worn out from being outside. :) They both took nice naps and collapsed in front of the TV when we came in about 5 this evening and went to bed without issue. It was nice of God to give us a "wear out" day during time change! No issue about going to bed an hour early!
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Another day....
Today was much better-now we're just trying to figure out how to transition from one group to the other. The final verdict this afternoon was that I have to start on a new pay period-which go for 2 weeks-from this past Sunday to the Saturday after this one. So I have 2 4 hour shifts that I will do on peds (extra stuff I signed up for) that I'll keep plus next weekend (or just the Saturday from it?). I'll stay very PRN (as needed) on peds-if they really need help etc. So hopefully tomorrow I can meet with my new boss and look at my schedule for after next week!
It's going to be a busy time-that is also the week (March 11th) when the "top off" (last updates from meditech-the computer system I've been working on the update for) comes in-where we should get some fixes we have been waiting for, plus the last minute preperation for the classes we are teaching nurses on the update, and then we start teaching March 24th! Some of my test plans include scheduling printing which STILL does not work so we are waiting for a fix for that as well. If we don't get that we won't be able to go live with the new version. Tomorrow we have a JMU student working with us to help us re-do the user manual so it's going to be a full day of that. I spent some time today going over it so it should be ready for her. After work I went to the gym but had forgotten my sneakers so had to work out in my danskos-ugh. I gave up after 30 min and hit Goodwill and found a pair of cords (gap), a great sweater (LL Bean), a beautiful skirt (Eddie Bauer) and 2 random shirts oh and a brand new shirt for Robert (4T for next winter)-all for 20.XX! I would have paid that for any one of those. I don't usually find anything!
Robert has been very 3 recently. He's very sweet but almost jealous of Mary and total meltdowns if I am holding her, nursing her etc. He cries easily and is clingy around me but totally fine elsewhere. I guess I am the "safe" person. So we've been doing extra snuggling. Mary stands well-and can get to a standing position without pulling up! But won't even try to take a step. I think she thinks its dangerous. I quit pumping at work this week :) so I think we're winding down as we approach her birthday. She can eat her weight in food-that's for sure. She had a 1/2 of a BBQ sandwich, a bunch of fries and some cole slaw for supper. Robert had a banana. lol. He's finally a toddler I guess. Which is good-I don't think I know how to feed 2 huge eaters! I feed Robert what I used to feed Mary and Mary what I used to feed Robert. The other day Mary ate all her lasagne and Robert didn't eat hardly any so I gave her his. Well, better get back to work and to bed.
It's going to be a busy time-that is also the week (March 11th) when the "top off" (last updates from meditech-the computer system I've been working on the update for) comes in-where we should get some fixes we have been waiting for, plus the last minute preperation for the classes we are teaching nurses on the update, and then we start teaching March 24th! Some of my test plans include scheduling printing which STILL does not work so we are waiting for a fix for that as well. If we don't get that we won't be able to go live with the new version. Tomorrow we have a JMU student working with us to help us re-do the user manual so it's going to be a full day of that. I spent some time today going over it so it should be ready for her. After work I went to the gym but had forgotten my sneakers so had to work out in my danskos-ugh. I gave up after 30 min and hit Goodwill and found a pair of cords (gap), a great sweater (LL Bean), a beautiful skirt (Eddie Bauer) and 2 random shirts oh and a brand new shirt for Robert (4T for next winter)-all for 20.XX! I would have paid that for any one of those. I don't usually find anything!
Robert has been very 3 recently. He's very sweet but almost jealous of Mary and total meltdowns if I am holding her, nursing her etc. He cries easily and is clingy around me but totally fine elsewhere. I guess I am the "safe" person. So we've been doing extra snuggling. Mary stands well-and can get to a standing position without pulling up! But won't even try to take a step. I think she thinks its dangerous. I quit pumping at work this week :) so I think we're winding down as we approach her birthday. She can eat her weight in food-that's for sure. She had a 1/2 of a BBQ sandwich, a bunch of fries and some cole slaw for supper. Robert had a banana. lol. He's finally a toddler I guess. Which is good-I don't think I know how to feed 2 huge eaters! I feed Robert what I used to feed Mary and Mary what I used to feed Robert. The other day Mary ate all her lasagne and Robert didn't eat hardly any so I gave her his. Well, better get back to work and to bed.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
New Job
Now that it's official and everyone can know I feel like I can finally blog about my new job! I can't believe that a) I got the job and b) that I'm leaving Peds after 7 years there. I'm really sad about leaving Peds-they are family to me. But really, really excited about doing something new, new responsibilities, opportunities etc
When I was approached about considering applying for the nursing coordinator job I was like-me? I'm not old enough/experienced enough/ready for that! But the more I talked to a fellow coordinator who is on the meditech team and the more I prayed about it and interviewed for it the more I realized I do have the skill set for it and that it should be a good mix for me. The timing couldn't be better either. Mary is almost done nursing so I won't have to pump during my shifts/or while I'm sleeping (did I mention that these are 12 hour night shifts?), and is sleeping through the night so Wesley isn't too worried. I'll never get called off either and since it will be 12 hour shifts I'll only have to work 2 ish days a week (since I'm part time). I'll probably be IV therapy a fair amount too-doesn't sound like they always have enough coordinator hours.
Today was hard. I had to talk to the babysitter about an issue from Friday that I've been putting off all weekend, then talk to my boss, then tell the girls on Peds once I got the OK that the other applicants had been told. I feel really bad for the other applicants-because I've BTDT and know that it HURTS to not get a job you wanted. I have no idea who had applied for it either. It was just hard to talk to the people on peds. I woke up this morning going "what have I done? How can I leave Peds?" But I'll still be at the same hospital, seeing them, working along side them. Well, its bedtime, I took the time to fold 3 loads of laundry and get them put away and then pick up the house so it's late. But I wanted to put some of these feelings down!
When I was approached about considering applying for the nursing coordinator job I was like-me? I'm not old enough/experienced enough/ready for that! But the more I talked to a fellow coordinator who is on the meditech team and the more I prayed about it and interviewed for it the more I realized I do have the skill set for it and that it should be a good mix for me. The timing couldn't be better either. Mary is almost done nursing so I won't have to pump during my shifts/or while I'm sleeping (did I mention that these are 12 hour night shifts?), and is sleeping through the night so Wesley isn't too worried. I'll never get called off either and since it will be 12 hour shifts I'll only have to work 2 ish days a week (since I'm part time). I'll probably be IV therapy a fair amount too-doesn't sound like they always have enough coordinator hours.
Today was hard. I had to talk to the babysitter about an issue from Friday that I've been putting off all weekend, then talk to my boss, then tell the girls on Peds once I got the OK that the other applicants had been told. I feel really bad for the other applicants-because I've BTDT and know that it HURTS to not get a job you wanted. I have no idea who had applied for it either. It was just hard to talk to the people on peds. I woke up this morning going "what have I done? How can I leave Peds?" But I'll still be at the same hospital, seeing them, working along side them. Well, its bedtime, I took the time to fold 3 loads of laundry and get them put away and then pick up the house so it's late. But I wanted to put some of these feelings down!
10 on Tuesday

10 Ways You Can Make Your Life Better
1. Laugh more
2. Play more
3. Put on a tickle glove and chase the 3 year old
4. Watch your baby sleep in your arms
5. Sleep more :)
6. Don't worry about tomorrow 'cause today has enough worries of its own!
7. Drink the occasional glass of wine ;)
8. Read good books
9. Follow your dreams/passions
10. Pray
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