Monday, August 28, 2006


We had a great time camping this weekend with Clif and Hollie. I had Robert in his Bumbo (chair) and the bumbo on a picnic table bench and he fell sidewase and skinned his forehead. Poor guy. I felt so bad. I should really know better and especially after taking PALS (the first link in the chain of response for kids is prevention of injury!). He was somewhat cranky all weekend (despite tylenol for shots/face pain) and today has been napping like crazy so I'm thinking he was just tired but there was too much going on to nap well! It was very different camping with a 6 month old versus a 3 month old! He is definitely more aware and more active. He's used to being able to blow off steam in the jumper or exersaucer and we didn't have either with us so a couple of times he was laying (lying?) in bed kicking furiously and flapping his arms. Poor guy.

I'll add pics to this post when Wes gets home, he has them on his camera.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Ha! You should know from family history that baby Roberts like to hurl themselves from chairs. I think I still have some gravel in my head.