Robert's life
It's been a nice weekend here, a perfect mixture of fun stuff and getting stuff done. For fun stuff yesterday I went shopping with a friend and got a great pair of shoes and a mocha late :) and then we went on the Shenandoah Valley Railroad fall scenic excursion from Verona to Pleasant Valley and back. It was a lot of fun although 2 hours is a long time to contain a munchkin! Luckily we were able to sit in a dining car and he had a great time crawling back and forth between us, eating rice chex and rice crispies and looking out the window. Then we went to Crutchfield to see what they had on sale and then out to eat at Jess' 2. Today was church and Robert refused to nap and was clapping, singing and talking. He is SO cute when he claps and he's doing it all the time now! After feeding him I took him back to nursery so he could play and he had a great time. This afternoon we installed a new light over our dining room table (got it on sale last weekend-origionally $99 paid $12.50!), I bathed Snoopy, Wes changed oil in the van and closed up vents, I went though all of Robert's old clothes and put them into under bed containers (how has he outgrown so many clothes already?) and now I'm bloging quick while Robert takes a nap. Oh, and my new diaper bag came in time to take it yesterday and it is PERFECT! I love it.
Robert is in to everything, taking DVD's off the rack, dumping toys everywhere, and is just all over the place. Baby gates are a wonderful invention! He's a ton of fun :)

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