Saturday, February 07, 2009


This week really hasn't been well balanced and I feel a little off kilter because of it. It's amazing how different I feel when I don't get to the gym! I went once and that was it-between the snow and working from 3a-7a on Friday and Robert poop issues-ugh. But I'm sure next week will be better! Yesterday I struggled just to survive-getting up at 2:30 am for the day is not my idea of fun (now that I have kids!). Especially when Robert didn't nap. Sometimes I think he is napping and he really isn't, but yesterday I KNOW he didn't because I could a) hear him and b) see his hand under the door pushing his race cars back and forth under the door. And then he would open it and get them if he pushed them too far and then I'd hear the door click closed. So I didn't dare nap. I was too afraid he'd leave the house.

Then we were out until 9 at our babysitter Denee's son's party. (I think I have too many 's but I'm not sure which to put it on-which one mom?) Anyways I fell into bed at 10 and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. This morning we met up with Philip and Sarah to work on the nursery some and for the guys to work on the sound booth. Then we had a quick lunch at costco. Now the kids are napping and we have a babysitter for tonight (yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). I'm not sure when we last went out-it was a LONG time ago :) We also need to give Snoopy a bath and take down Robert's crib and transition him to a big boy bed. I guess we'll see how much time we have left after he wakes up.

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