Robert is growing up on me and it makes me proud and sad all at once. If I have time I sit and hold him while he naps (OK, I read!) and just look at him and marvel that he's so big and yet my baby. He's working on cruising and pulling up and thinks he can stand/walk. His newest trick is waving bye, but he waves towards himself instead of away. I was unloading groceries from my trooper today and he was babbling away and I looked at him and realized he was talking to "the munchkin in the mirror" (which is what we call his reflection in the car mirror we have for him) and waving to "him". He was saying baaaaaaaaaheeeeeeeey" which sounded kind of like bye to me, but was probably an accident. It also kind of looks like he was signing milk to me earlier today (we've been working on baby sign language with the videos "signing time" ( so I guess anything is possible-but milk isn't one we've done much with, so who knows.). Well, I've got pictures for you today, so I'll stop now and just let you look at them!
Wesley climbing

Margaret climbing

And Robert being cute (as usual)

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