Thursday, December 14, 2006

Robert's life

Robert's life

OK, OK, I know. Bad blogging mommy! So since I've found time today to pick up Christmas cards, address Christmas cards and write a Christmas letter I guess I should find time to blogg too. So what's new? Let's see. Robert is still into everything and then some. He got CD's out of the CD changer last night (oops-but not my fault-I was at work!). He's starting to get some seperation anxiety and is crying briefly when I leave him at the babysitters or at the kids club at the gym. When I say briefly I mean "whah, whah, oh, what does that toy do?" so not too bad! He's starting to play with other kids more (like at free play after story time) and to really interact and socialize. I took him with me to a contact lense re-check appointment today (I knew it would just be a few minutes) and he had a ball "playing" with an optometrist while I was in line to pay. He loves peek-a-boo and rough housing and makes very good car noises in addition to his pirate noises. Sigh, I guess boys come hard wired :)

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